Dawn J'Heureuse

Saturday, November 19, 2005


I made some 'Korean themed' Christmas cards last night for my family and bf's family.

The fronts:

The backs:

Kitchen Orange and Plastik Wrap

In May 05 I was out browsing at Parker Place or one of the other similar asian malls in Richmond, and came across this outfit by Toronto-based Kitchen Orange:

The best thing about Kitchen Orange clothes is their cuts. Lots of asymmetrical cuts, especially around the neckline. They don't seem to have much new stuff out this year, and the colours aren't that exciting, but the cuts are inspirational.

Here's a closeup of the StarTrekian neck on the top I'm wearing in the above pic:

Gathering looks nice either as a shirt or long dress:

This is great in white! Too bad white requires so much drycleaning + bleach :(

This is $60 US online. The cut is very popular in Korea now; similar ones can be found here for as low as $10!

Interesting neck cut!!

Some of their designs are a little too bold, but this one works:

The ties on the side of this are cool:

This is from House of Spy, and I don't really like the colours, but I like the cut:

This is from Hard Boiled. A silkscreened shirt; neat design:

Another Canadian label that I admire is Plastik Wrap. Self-described as 'cyber-industrial' with lolita influences, and marketed as rather goth. However, I think their pieces would look great on non-goths alike.

Acidic Skirt:

Cool sweater & skirt:

Love the contrast of the pink peeking out, and LOVE the graceful, sloping lines of the neck/hood:

Interesting jacket with asymetrical cut:

Kitchen Orange
stuff can be bought online at www.mudsharkstreetwear.com/

And here is Plastik Wrap's website. Here's a cool article about the two designers. One is an art history major and the other, a BC fashion college drop-out.